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Sponsor Me

Please read the following tips carefully to maximize your chances

to receive a responsepositive

on our side.

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What to know?

In order to adequately respond

to our SponsorShip requests, QUATRE only responds to requests made via our


How to present myself well

Be authentic !

Explain clearly the goal

of your request. VShow our sponsorship can help you

hasachieve your goals. 



Can I make a request?

In fact, any athlete can make a request. Obviously, not all requests can be accepted. This is why we ask you to carefully prepare your presentation video. 

Money request

Currently, ONLY material requests (clothing and accessories) can be eligible. All requests for financial sponsorship ($) will unfortunately be refused.

Prepare my video

Use your device to introduce yourself and show yourself in action.


Limit your video to less than

four (4) minutes of ACTION and

two (2) minute INTRODUCTION.


Contact us with any questions!

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  • Instagram

Merci pour votre envoi !

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